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Агентство Братьев Мухоморовых, воскресенье, 19.05.2024 04:11
His Majesty’s Harold V «Non-willer»

His Majesty’s Harold V «Non-willer»

14.02.2014, 11:48
Honorary consul of Norway in Arkhangelsk mumbled indistinctly but three times «I don’t want». So he turned down the mass media’s right to the interview concerning Arctic collaboration.

Honorary consul of Norway in Arkhangelsk Andrey Shalev mumbled indistinctly but three times «I don’t want". Arkhangelsk journalists were denied the right to the interview. Also the educated citizens of Euro-Arctic region were denied the right to get objective and well-timed information from public sources. Motivation of man’s fears, namely the representative of the king Harold V in Arkhangelsk, remained a puzzle because Mr. Shalev had failed to explain people addressing to him what he didn’t want exactly. «I don’t want» - only these words designated the position of Norway concerning Euro-Arctic collaboration on the platform of regional independent mass media. Honorary consul Shalev’s answer to the question whether curt statement «I don’t want» was the position of king’s Harold and His Majesty’s Storting, remained the same: «I don’t want». 
Let us remind of the issue “Pravda Severo-Zapada” dated December 11th 2013. The article “Neighbours after review” was published there. The author of this article appraised the process of making the film “The Occupied” by Swedish film-studio “Yellow Bird”. The plot was the following: Norwegians fought against Russian armed forces which had occupied the North of Norway in order to take under their control oil and gas fields. 
Activists and leaders of youth organizations were disturbed by such a «creative work» made by state-owned TV and radio company NRK’s order. They addressed the public letter to Honorary consul of Norway in Arkhangelsk Andrey Shalev with the help of the editor-in-chief Ilya Azovskiy. The journalist was delegated the right to ask a question to the diplomat in the name of youth:
-​ Why should we trust you and welcome you in Arkhangelsk while Russian people are showed like aggressors in these series at the moment?
There is nothing special in such way of communication. It’s quite widespread practice when the public asks stirring questions through popular mass media and gives to understand that the talks should be and must be as open and public as possible.
On a commission from youth leaders The editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Pravda Severo-Zapada» Azovskiy phoned to honorary consul Shalev to arrange the interview. He tried to carry out youth leaders’ assignment. He gave Mr. Shalev main points of the meeting in the correct and polite form. But the answer was repeated several times: «I don’t want». Without any reasons.
The editor-in-chief of social and political newspaper «Pravda Severo-Zapada» Ilya Azovskiy, whom young readers addressed to, had commented unsuccessful attempt to interview with the honorary consul:
«Citizens of Russia, including readers of my newspaper who have addressed to me, have the right to get information to clear up actual problems from independent mass media.
It is well-known practice in the world, even in the most distant remote corners of our planet. The Arkhangelsk’ youth asked me for help to realize this right, supposing, that Norway, which was represented by Mr. Shalev, was also the part of civilized world.
Up to this moment I also supposed that the XXI century in Euro-Arctic region had come not only according to calendar, but also in interrelation between people, regions and countries.
I was very upset. I made a mistake. Because,..
…because, we still have atavisms and reversion of Cenozoic and Mesozoic era.. It’s such a feeling that mammoths roamed the icy fields of Arctic and that the hind soft part of Mr. Shalev had just been bitten by saber-toothed tiger and the Honorary consul of king Harold V had lost his opportunity to speak, he had taken a cover in a cave and he was full of fears.
I tried to pull him out, but I failed.
I apologize to my readers, but the profession of a journalist quite differs from profession of a psychoanalyst…
I’m not George Paganell and I’m not going to take out fresh frozen artifacts for analysis. If Mister likes to sit in a cave – let him sit. If man wants to be with the public, to communicate with people – let him go out, come and speak. I’m not in grief, I’m just vexed.
…Because, until now I thought better of Mr. Shalev and all diplomatic mission. However, I continue to be optimist without losing the sense of reality …
The end of quotation.
It’s remarkable, that honorary consul Shalev had projected the word «majesty» on his own person, although journalists used this term with regard only to the king of Norway when he tried to explain that Mr. Shalev was his representative of Norway in Arkhangelsk. Or, as an alternative, Shalev considered us, the Russians, to be Neanderthal people.
It’s important to note, that Mr. Shalev was explained up to comma that his interview would be submitted for endorsement after translation and redaction according to law about «Mass media». And only after he signs every page of interview and confirms photo chosen for publication, the article will be sent for printing.
«I don’t want» - sounded again and again from the Mr. honorary consul’s lips. We give the right to appreciate devotion to the king and good-neighboourly feelings to the country, where Mr. Shalev represents the king, taking into consideration his childish and curt argumentation, to the king Harold V and to the Storting.
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Сервис рассылки смс-сообщений предоставлен КоллЦентр24
Создатель проекта — Илья Азовский
Контакт с редакцией — muhomor-pr@yandex.ru

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Материалы газеты «Правда Северо-Запада»

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Агентство Братьев Мухоморовых

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Эхо Севера

Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ИА №ФС77-39435 выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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